Monday, October 22, 2018

Solutions for iPhone 6 mobile phone no sound issues

Fault Description: iPhone 6 happens no sound issue
Phenomenon Description:  When we turns on the ringtone option on the phone, it will be stuck. Turning on the recorder, recording item can be clicked, but no any sound can be recorded.

Pic 1

Facing up to the case, the possibility of a small audio failure is greater. Removing the iphone motherboard, we observed that  the large audio and the small audio have been replaced. As the case revealed, the culprit possibility of the chip itself is very small. Removing the small audio by iphone opening pry tool, and testing the small pad ground value of the pad, finding that the small audio F6 foot resistance is infinite (normally around 400)

Pic 2
This is the small audio I2S bus, to the big audio and CPU. If refer to the big audio, removing the big audio, if it cannot work, you can consider to change the big audio ic, test the pin connected with the small audio F6 foot, the value is normal, it seems that from here to install the jumper wire to the small audio is all right

After installing the jumper wire, which is used to repair phone logic board, and assemble your phone. The sound is normal after testing, and the recorder can record normally. Now, the repair is done.